
发布时间:2020-04-17 19:50:02   


Q&A for International Students Applying for

SJTU 2020 Undergraduate Programs


1. 2020年国际本科生入学考试什么时候举行?

When will the entrance exam of 2020 undergraduate programs for international students be held



The specific date has not been determined. Once it’s determined, SJTU will notify all the applicants at least two weeks before the entrance exam. Please check the latest information on our website: http://isc.sjtu.edu.cn 


2. 2020年国际本科招生报名截止日期是否会延长?

Will the application deadline of 2020 undergraduate programs for international students be extended?



The application deadline has not been extended. The deadline for entrance examination is still March 2, 2020, and the deadline for applying exemption from entrance test is April 30, 2020. Any new arrangement will be notified in advance.


3. 高中因疫情暂时不开学,无法提供预毕业证明、成绩单及老师推荐信等文件怎么办?

My high school is temporarily closed because of the coronavirus emergency. What should I do if they can’t provide me with the graduation certificate/transcript/recommendation letter etc.?



We strongly recommend that high school provide you with electronic version of the above documents. If you are unable to do so, please upload an explanation letter to the annex of the application form, and submit the application form before the deadline.


4. 目前中国国内和部分地区的HSK考试已推迟,如无法在免试报名截止日期前提交HSK证书怎么办?是否可以后期补交?

Now all HSK test in mainland China and some other places has been postponed. What should I do if I can’t provide HSK certificate before the deadline for applying exemption from the entrance test? Can I provide it later?



If you can’t provide HSK certificate before the deadline, please upload an explanation letter to the annex of the application form, and submit the application form before the deadline. Once you pass the qualification review, SJTU will later notify you the deadline (to be determined) for submitting the HSK certificate.


5. 是否需要邮寄纸制申请材料?

Do I need to mail application materials to SJTU?



No, we don’t require paper material during application period.


6. 欢迎关注留学交大官方网站(isc.sjtu.edu.cn),获取最新信息。如有其它问题,欢迎随时和我们邮件联系 isc.d@sjtu.edu.cn 


Please check the latest information on our website: https://isc.sjtu.edu.cn/CN/news.aspx?info_lb=68&flag=68

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us by email isc.d@sjtu.edu.cn .